Why just ONE shift of overtime, you might ask? Well, namely because not once in my 5 1/2 year tenure at JPS have I worked a single hour of overtime. That might not sound strange to you, but it totally is. All if the fantastic gals I get to call coworkers work crazy amounts of OT. When I began compiling my little list here, I got their input. One girl said she had a goal to go ONE week WITHOUT working overtime. This gave me a great laugh! And so, I made an opposite goal.
This morning officially marked my 1st (and only?) overtime shift! I already signed up for 3 shifts in one week and I got a call asking if I could "help" on Wednesday. I came in and worked an 8-hour shift that night. Those 8 hours combined with my 36 scheduled hours this week equals 44 hours! Whooohooo!
Love being PRN so I have the flexibility to work as little or as much as I desire. I live this adventure!!!