Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Works In Progress

Lest you think I am not reaching my goals quick enough, I thought I'd share with you some of the works in progress.

#1 - God has placed a fantastic resource in my life. My BSF leader is the TCC instructor for ASL. So, when I get ready, I have instant access to ask questions, get info, etc. I'm just not quite ready to tackle this one!

#15 - It may not be for the whole weekend, but plans are being made for a spa DAY for my mom, Kandalynn, Brandy and me! Details to come after November 9th!!

#19 - Thank you for cheering me on in my weight loss effort. After my last blog post, I went to consult with my physician. She has been a tremendous help to me over the last 6 months. I am working through a program called Take Shape For Life. It's really been good for me. My total loss to date is 38.4 lbs. Yay! Keep the encouragement coming!

#20 - I have begun the possess of memorizing the Sermon on the Mount. I have Matt 5:1-20 memorized so far. If you see me, ask me about it!

#26 - Finally worked up the courage to ask our music minister about singing a solo. He had me come in to sing for him (like an audition) and will be looking for songs that match my voice. So, it's out of my hands for now. Praying that the right song comes along.

#33 - Jon and I have been teaching the College Life Group at Glenview since April. We have seen the group grow over the last few months and are excited about the future. We should have no problem finishing out this year (and God willing) many years to come! Love these guys!

So, that's what I'm working on these days! Hope to post more successes soon!


Friday, September 7, 2012

#3 Baked & Delivered

I feel like an explanation needs to be given for this particular goal. I realize baking a cake for a friend seems simplistic and decidedly not goal worthy! But let me tell you about my friend Sarah. She is like a sister to me. My kids call her "Aunt Sarah" and consider her kids their cousins. We talk, laugh, cry, yell, and play with each other.

All that being said, I am really a yucky friend. In all the years of our friendship, I have NEVER remembered her birthday or made her feel special on that day. So, when I made my master 40x40 list, she made the cut. She is so special to me. I hope she knows that!

The cake is scratch made Italian Cream Cake with Cream Cheese icing. I took it to her work this am so she could share with co-workers! Happy Birthday, Sarah!!! I love you! πŸ’—πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚

Thursday, August 30, 2012

#8 down!!! (and counting?)

Well, it can officially be crossed off the list...I made it six full months with nothing to drink except water. And I have to say...it wasn't as hard as I expected. There were a few times in there where I thought I "needed" a coke, but it turns out I was strong enough to abstain. Yay, me!

The sad part is that this life-changing step had absolutely no bearing on my weight loss effort. In fact, I've actually gained 10 more pounds in the last 6 months. I have officially reached rock bottom...I am in crisis mode. It has gotten to the scary point of discussing surgical solutions with my family. After much prayer and council, I am going to make the strongest commitment I can to change my life. I've asked my family and God to help me. Will you be an encourager? Will you help me stay on track? I've learned through the years that I am so very weak. A friend openly shared with me this week and reminded me that my strength will fail me and have no power over the "tape recorder" in my head, but that the Lord is able to erase and rewrite the script. (thanks Marci!)

So begins an earnest effort to attack #19. I've done some prep work. I've got the body bugg on my arm. I've lined up people to commit to working out with me, and I'm studying God's Word and daily (minute-ly) praying for His guidance! Join my team! Help me beat this life-long addiction. Cheer me on. (Don't throw temptation at me!). I have 3 1/2 years to reach the goal...it will take me that whole time, I'm afraid. Thanks for listening!

To a healthier version of me!

PS-I've decided to steer clear of sodas still..at least for the next 6 months. I want the water "habit" to stick!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

#40, Check!

So, despite some negative feedback regarding teeth whitening, I took the plunge & did it anyway. Zoom Whitening is a long process. Luckily, I took Tylenol & Aleve before I left home. It was VERY painful at times. I whimpered like a baby once, and screamed out loud once. Even childbirth didn't elicit that response from me! Am I glad I did it? Yes. Will I do it again? Prob not! The aftermath has been fine, so far. I'll let y'all be the judge...what do you think?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Game on!

Mark it down, folks! Today starts my 6 month challenge to drink NOTHING but water. No more Diet Coke w/Lime😒. No more large drinks from McDonalds. No more coffee. So #8 begins today. We'll see if I can keep it up til August. Yikes!! If I can, I imagine I'll also make some progress towards #19! If you see me, cheer me on...this is a big one!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Good to Have Goals, Right?

I was at work the other day and a friend was talking about the things she had on a list: 30 things she wanted to accomplish by the age of 30.  Some were "big" things and some were very simple. I was inspired (shout out to Sarah W!)  Since 30 is long since past, I have come up with 40 things I would like to accomplish before turning 40. That gives me approximately 4 years from today to work on "the list".

So, my plan is to blog about my progress! You can help by cheering me on! Who knows, maybe you'll even be inspired to try new things, stretch yourself, or make goals for yourself. I'm looking forward to the journey and hope to reach each of the 40 items on my list. If I don't, I guess you'll be seeing a 50 by 50 list in a few years ;o)

And so it begins! Shout out to Sharon E. for suggesting this blog as the first step!! It addresses #6 -- It's created....time will tell if I maintain it for a year!  Feedback welcomed!
